Terry Burkes
Interface Design Portfolio

See Interface Portfolio 2

LeapFrog.com's Educational Toys


is a well respected leader in web enabled educational toys.

LeapFrog.com's Website I was brought in to improve the website's look and feel. I consulted on interactivity, and provided: several rounds of high level presentation comps, detailed code instructions, all finished title and rollover graphics, animations, and illustrations.

The priorities: Create a warmer, more approacheable and professional looking, intuitive website appealing to children and their parents, that has a more environmental feel. Showcase the web enabled toys and demos, and support the established functionality. Be compatible with the established preexisting frog pond theme and navigational menu bars and pond background (tile).

We started with the 4 landing pages, and a suite of compatible subtitle graphics for sub content tiers.These were well received, and there are plans to segue the rest of the website toward this new look and feel, and some unpublished designs are pending complex functionality issues.

I designed the landing pages, including calling out text & link color and sizes, and created all the graphics in these examples. I was pleased to wield my illustration skills in a whimsical style, to imaginatively incorporate problematic uninspiring photos.I created soft outdoor themes to breathe a little fresh air into the website, and evoke the immersive environmental experience the client desired. Along with a lighthearted illustrative style, I added life to the page with animated ladybugs, dragon flies, and other little critters, triggered by java rollovers.

Note: there is no black type employed on these pages. Rich muted colors were used to soften and gently organize the content, and guide the visitor. Charcoal, plum brown, moss greens, teals and other passive meadow and pond colors filled the main content, while warmer corals and golds drew attention to important titles. The titles I created in a wavey water ripple feel, were very well received, and matching subtitles employed throughout the remaining sub content pages.

Executive Producer: Jim Schuyler
Art Director: Corie Hunt

ss_aboutus_150.jpg ss_parents_150.jpg

ss_educators_150.jpg ss__support_150.jpg

PetStore's Online Magazine


PetStore.com's website is now closed.

PetStore.com's Website I was brought in as Creative Director to help train, develop and guide the inhouse web development team, and segue the website to a fresher look and feel from the existing overly stiff and corporate one. Because the company imposed a hiring freeze, I ended up in the dual capacity as Sr. Designer, and redesigned many of the site's landing pages, and created a whole online magazine section.

The priorities: Create a fresh approacheable, personable series of articles based on whimsically written content, that showcases the grooming retail product line.

Friendly soft colors also compatible with the existing Petstore menu bars and Venus DiMilo painting were utilized. I chose a conceptually whimsical, yet slightly sophisticated approach using artistic gallery style imagery. The targetted consumer was assumed to be upscale and educated, and with a certain sense of humor and pluck. Hense, I created Doggie DiMilo, and Kitty DiMilo images for the pet makeover articles, and style conscious pet for the rest of the section.I was pleased to utilize my illustration skills by creating photorealistic animals (Doggie DiMilo was originally started with a photo of a dog head... I added the rest of the body and blowing fur) and integrate them into painterly backgrounds (such as in the chaise lounge scene with langorously reclining dog). Intense and creative color correction was necessary to make all the photos share the same warm inviting whimsical tone as the text and paintings.

Executive Producer: Sherry Miller

funfearlessfeline_100.jpg maxsaysrelax_100.jpg 10summeressentials_100.jpg

electroheating metaphors
Raztek Electroheating Metaphors

electrocooling illustration
Raztek Electrocooling

Raztek Website I created all graphics and complex animation, general layout, and crunched most of the html code. This site has receive praise internationally as the best site in it's field.

The priorities: Explain complex technology and services offerred by this California based food processing technology company, using metaphors understandeable to an international crowd of food industry engineers, scientists and laypeople. Interesting, approacheable, personable, yet professional look and feel. AOL compatible and frameless. Highly intuitive interface.

Friendly soft California produce crate colors utilized. Many complex concepts communicatated graphically in cohesive style.

Producer: Assaf Reznik

stellexms interface Stellex Website Stellex Website Ilustrated menu bar content and main titles. Created dramatic atmospheric backgrounds, and transparent looking menu bars for a less cluttered look. To add subtle levity, I created a component turned satelite in upper left corner that spins wings as part of rollover interactivity.

The priorities: Attractive interface emphasizing earth related wireless technologies components. Must be compatible visually with print catalog. Minimize usage of components since main screen to eventually contain catalog and many component pictures.

Producer: Digiville Web Media

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6 VISA International CBT Project For 9 months, I created every scrap of visual content (including dialog boxes).

The priorities: visual and navigational continuity; international approachable soft-touch look and feel still befitting a conservative, international, corporation; highly intuitive interface, easy/memorable navigation through tons of information. The Art Director and I worked very closely with the client who took a very active role during the design process.

Art Director: Renee` Kirk of Sage Interactive.

See Interface Portfolio 2
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All images ©Terry Burkes '94-2001, please obtain permission to use.

Site designed and maintained by Terry Burkes